interest in decoding the hidden knowledge believed to be
contained in hieroglyphics. The attraction of the mysterious
Egyptian images dates back to Antiquity and still fascinates us
to this day, but it was especially rekindled in Europe towards
the end of the fifteenth century. The entire symbolic culture of the
Renaissance and Baroque comes together in this renewed Humanist
The work that served as the point of departure was the
Hieroglyphica by Horapollo,
which was published in 1505 by Aldo Manuzio. The Greek text –
derived from the Alexandrian spirit, which was favorably
disposed to the fusion of oriental elements – was
enthusiastically embraced by Ficino and the Neoplatonism
associated with Florence. Artists fixed their attention on those
symbols and began to see them as motifs and sources of
invention. Later on, the success of Horapollo was cemented by
the edition with commentary by
Pierio Valeriano – with spectacular engravings beginning
in 1575 – which endowed the hieroglyphic material with an
encyclopedic order and utilized it
for the moral or thological analysis of the natural world.
Valeriano alone, a veritable storehouse of information of quite
varied origin, and quoted ad infinitum throughout the
Renaissance and Baroque,
would justify the existence of this CD, but it contains many
other materials: one can compare the ancient sources of Plutarch
or Iamblichus, consult the commentaries of Caussin and access
Baroque interpretations, and finally have available the
complete series of hieroglyphics and pseudo-hieroglyphics that
were known in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As a complement,
we edit Francesco Colonna’s inaugural and enigmatic work, the
Hypnerotomachia Poliphilii, in such close proximity to the
world of hieroglyphics.
In preparation. |
Titles included:
• Annius, Pseudo-Manetho (Wittenberg 1612;
Venice 1583,
Italian, translated and with commentary by Francesco Sansovino)
• Caussin, Nicolas, De Symbolica Aegyptiorum Sapientia (Paris
1618; Madrid 1677, Spanish transl. by Francisco de la Torre)
• Colonna, Francesco, Hypnerotomachia Poliphilii (Venice
1499, Italian; London 1592, English)
• Goropius Becanus, Johannes. Hieroglyphica (Antwerp 1580)
• Hieroglyphicum Collectanea, ex veteribus et neotericis descripta
(Lyon 1625)
• Horapollo, Hieroglyphica (Venice 1505 editio princeps
of Aldus Manutius; Bologna 1517, Latin by Filippo Fasanini; Venice
1547, Italian by Pietro Vasolli; Basel 1554, German; Paris 1574,
Latin-French; Paris 1618, Greek-Latin, translated and with
commentary by Nicolas Caussin)
• Jamblichus, De mysteriis Aegyptiorum (Basel 1576,
translated by Marsilio Ficino).
• Lackner, Christoph, Hieroglyphica (Sopron 1610)
• Meier, Michael, Arcana arcanissima; hoc est hieroglyphica
Aegyptio-Graeca. (1614)
• Pignoria, Laurentius, Vetustissimae tabulae aeneae sacris
Aegyptiorum simulachris coelatae explicatio (Venice 1605)
• Plutarch, Isis and Osiris (Basel 1571,
translation by Guilielmus Xylander; Paris 1612, French by Jacques
Amyot; London 1603, English by Philemon Holland)
• Valeriano, Pierio, Hieroglyphica (Basel
1575, Latin; Venice 1602, Italian; Cologne 1654, Latin, with
commentary by Nicolas Caussin)
• Wendelin, Marcus Fridericus, Admiranda Nili, commentatione
philologica, geographica, historica, physica, et hieroglyphica ex
318 autoribus (Frankfurt 1623) |