Composed by:
• Zita Grócz
(Kalocsa Cathedral Library)
• Tamás Sajó, Antonio Bernat Vistarini
English version: John T. Cull
(College of the Holy Cross)
German version: Sonja Lucas
(Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz)
Edition: 2006 – ISBN 963-87196-1-3
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Book of Psalms Psalterium cum
canticis, MS 382
Prague or Krumlov c. 1438
90 fols. 256 ×175 mm, parchment
This small psaltery is the most outstanding illuminated codex of the Cathedral
Library. The valuable Latin manuscript contains the psalms of David together
with the thanksgiving canticles. Written in a Gothic hand, and prepared for
liturgical use, it is decorated with several ornamental initials, some
painted and gilded, and others painted in blue and red.
The decoration of psaleries was determined by the traditional division of the
psalms in the Middle Ages. This psaltery of Kalocsa, however, does not
follow any of the known decoration patterns.
The initials of this codex,
with the exception of the one representing King David singing psalms, are
not the usual illustrations of psalms in these works at all. Psalm 26, for
example, is illustrated with the image of the Salvator mundi (Saviour of the
world), Psalm 68 with the Man of Sorrows, Psalm 97 with the half-figure of
Mary with her Child, while Psalm 109 is illustrated with the image of the
cloth of St. Veronica, which is the portrait of Christ.
The fine delineation and delicate gestures of the figures, as well as the
winding gold leaf border ornamentation can be related to the works of
Bohemian codex painting after the 1430s. The paintings emphasize the
motherhood of Mary, the human and divine nature of Christ, and his
We also find an unusual number of eucharistic themes and cult
images propagated by the Catholic church in the first half of the 15th
century. These themes may have been incorporated into the iconographic
program of the codex as a response to Hussite teachings, probably at the
time of the decline of the Hussites and the consolidation of Catholic
tendencies, in one of the ideological and artistic centers, Prague or
The unknown patron of this psaltery can be seen in the cleric kneeling near the
Man of Sorrow. The dating of the codex is based on its stylistic similarity
and iconographic connection with the Psaltery painted in 1438 for Hanuš z
Kolovrat, the last Provost of Prague’s Saint Vit Cathedral, one of the most
outstanding collectors of the period. |