Titles in the collection of Studiolum
• Corpus of Spanish Emblem Books
(in preparation)
Complete edition of the entire Hispanic emblematic genre. Works written or translated by Spanish authors make up as many as 80 volumes from the middle of the 16th century until the end of the 17th century. With a few exceptions, this first edition includes books written in Spanish. The second edition will add those written in Latin, and will include other translations.
The Golden Age of European
(in preparation)
All the emblem books described in the Emblemata of Henkel and
Schöne; that is to say, the most relevant emblematic literature of the 16th and 17th centuries.
We publish the complete text, as is customary in our editions, doubly transcribed, both in the original and modernized form, along with appropriate links,
indices and notes.
The Emblems of George Wither and
Gabriel Rollenhagen
The Collection of Emblemes by Wither is the most attractive of all the English emblem books. We have published it along with its source, the
Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum by G. Rollenhagen. Our edition includes the translations (into English and Spanish) of the Greek and Latin epigrams, plus an erudite and exhaustive study by two distinguished specialists: Peter M. Daly and Alan R. Young.
Andrea Alciato, Emblemata.
A Critical Edition
(in preparation)
An exhaustive compilation of editions that present significant variants (either in the text or in the engravings) of the work by Andrea Alciato. Thus one can follow the complete editorial history of the inventor of the emblematic genre, and have available for the first time a meticulous critical edition, prepared by Studiolum. The volume concludes with Henry Green’s still useful monograph on the
Emblems and Symbols of the
Society of Jesus
(in preparation)
A representative selection of the impressive production of the Society of Jesus in the realm of emblems, both in practice as well as in their theoretical disquisitions, which demonstrates their peculiar role as analysts and disseminators of the symbolic language of the Renaissance and Baroque.
Renaissance Books of Imprese
(in preparation)
A collection of the most famous books of imprese of the Renaissance,
including the critical edition of two foundational texts of the genre: the
Imprese of Paolo Giovio and the Devises heroïques of Guillaume Paradin.
Baroque Repertories of Imprese
(in preparation)
This CD allows one to folllow the development of the thousands of imprese and their sometimes intricate symbolic meanings, which are inventoried and commented on in the great encyclopedias of the late Renaissance and the Baroque: from the
Symbola of Strada, to the Teatro d'imprese by Ferro and the
Mundus symbolicus of Picinelli.
Hieroglyphics. Egyptian Wisdom in
the Renaissance.
(in preparation)
From the collection of hieroglyphs of the enigmatic Horapollo to the extensive
Hieroglyphica of Pierio Valeriano and the commentaries of Nicolas Caussin in his
De Symbolica Aegyptorum Sapientia, we present here the gamut of those repertories of ideograms that Renaissance man related, with a more or less high degree of certainty, to Egyptian knowledge. Our compilation therefore reveals a rich interweaving of images and meanings.
Animalia: Nature and Symbology of
Animals in the European Renaissance and Baroque
(in preparation)
Our collection allows the user to follow classical and Renaissance considerations with regards to animals and, therefore, a consideration of nature itself, as well as the varied interpretations of the living book opened by God before the gaze of mankind, by means of the most interesting treatises derived from the medieval
Physiologus down through later manifestations such as the works of Ferrer de Valdecebro.
(in preparation)
It is not possible to understand the Renaissance and Baroque without considering the books edited here: from pioneering moralizing versions, still medieval in nature, such as that of Boccaccio, through Giraldi, Conti and Cartari, and down to the revelations of Pérez de Moya and Baltasar de Vitoria. But we also include some relevant classical treatises, and the interesting translation into Spanish of Ovid’s
Metamorphoses, done by Sánchez de Viana.
Numismatics and Medals. The Humanist
and Antiquity
(in preparation)
The nucleus of the Renaissance and Baroque iconographical galaxy has at its core a very earnest fondness for coins and medals, which reveal in a very concentrated manner the biographies of illustrious persons and the entire history of Greece and Rome. We publish these compilations used so often by painters and writers to gather information on all matters of Antiquity.
Complete Works of Hubert Goltzius:
The Numismatic Compendium of the Renaissance
(in preparation)
The five volumes that we publish here (plus another volume with the Spanish translation) constitute one of the most luxurious and spectacular numismatic works ever printed. This monumental collection is also brimming with commentaries and historical interpretations that resulted in a well-earned fame for its multifaceted author, who was both a scholar and an artist.
The Adagia of Erasmus:
Versions and Sources
This is the greatest and most influential collection of proverbs in European literature. In our edition it is possible to read the most extensive version, which proceeds from the authoritative
edition of the Complete Works, published in Leiden, 1703. We also
offer the expurgated post-Trent edition of 1565 – the only one allowed to Catholics until the 18th century
–, and the most important contemporary translations and classical
Sebastián de Covarrubias, Tesoro
de la lengua castellana o española (1611) with its manuscript
The first monolingual European dictionary is, in reality, very close to the encyclopedic mentality of the Baroque. We have published the edition prepared by Ignacio Arellano and Rafael Zafra, as well as the original transcriptions of the
Tesoro and of the Suplemento’s manuscript – with annotation of all the classical sources and of Hebrew words
– as well as the complete facsimiles of both texts.
Complete Works of Baltasar Gracián
(in preparation)
Baltasar Gracián is, in many ways, the apex of Spanish Baroque His works are very closely interrelated and an immense exercise in intertextuality that this edition in digital format reveals very vividly. The first editions of each one of his works are found here, as well as the complete
editio optima published in Antwerp, 1669, along with the modern editions prepared by Studiolum. The CD is completed with numerous translations and commentaries on Gracián’s works in other languages, where we can see the degree of influence and the peculiarity of their reception in contemporary Europe.
1. Book of Psalms -
Psalterium cum Canticis MS 382 (Bohemia, ca 1438)
It is the most outstanding illuminated codex manuscript housed in the Library of the Cathedral of Kalocsa, characterized by a highly original iconography. Along with the complete facsimile of this codex, the CD contains the transcription of the psalms and canticles of thanksgiving, and their translations into English, Spanish, German and Hungarian.