
Editions on CD:


• Corpus of Spanish Emblem Books

• The Golden Age of European Emblematics

• Emblems of Wither & Rollenhagen

• Alciato, Emblemata. Critical Edition

• Emblems of the Society of Jesus

• Renaissance Books of Imprese

• Baroque Repertories of Imprese


• Hieroglyphics

• Animal Symbolism

• Mythographies


• Renaissance Numismatics

• Complete Works of Hubert Goltzius

proverbial wisdom

• Erasmus’ Adagia. Versions and Sources


• Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

complete works

• Baltasar Gracián

Treasures of Kalocsa

• Book of Psalms
MS 382, c. 1438


Epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax (1592-1668)



The documentary fund of this extensive epistolary constitutes one of the most important sources for an understanding of the history of Mallorca in the seventeenth century. It contains abundant information about a period with large lacunae. Forming a general epistolary, the letters, taken together, offer valuable data and unpublished aspects of the economic and political history, the relations between Mallorca and the central state, costumes of everyday life, or the state of Catalan and Spanish language in the island. The complex and influential personality of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax, Viceroy of Mallorca, a general of enormous power, and participant of various European wars – whose bibliography is, surprisingly, in large part undefined – is in itself a focus of interest of enormous importance. But the epistolary also contains several letters of the Santacilia family well into the eighteenth century, and, due to their importance, they are published here without exception.

The volume of this work is enormous, and at this moment we are only at the first phase of it. We have digitalized all the letters (all in all more than 14,000 images), with the aim of preserving the originals, and also working more comfortably with them, and finally offering the facsimiles of all the letters. On the basis of this material we are transcribing and encoding all the letters, in order to create a linguistic, historical and cultural database, which will enable us to analyze the material in all its depth.

At the same time we are working on the inventory and identification of all the senders and persons referred to in each letter, and on the catalogue and description of the places and historical events mentioned. In the possession of this information we would analyze the content of the letters, and accomplish their classification and annotation.

On the basis of these data, we intend to publish an epistolary that will lead to a re-reading of the history of Mallorca, and especially of the events in which Pedro de Santacilia participated at the middle and end of the seventeenth century. We are sure of recovering important information on the life, costumes, language and politics of this part of Europe.


The project of the edition and study of the epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y
 Pax is carried out by Antonio Bernat Vistarini, Andrés Enrique
and Tamás Sajó with a team of collaborators.
Supported by the Caixa de Balears
"Sa Nostra".


last minute

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• 5.4: RSA: A Recapitulation

• 4.4: DVD edition of Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

• 18.3: Treasures of Kalocsa, Vol. 1: Psalterium MS 382



Discreet Reader

Sancho Panza and the Turtle

An Encounter with the Inquisition

Phoenix on the top of the palm tree

Canis reversus

His Master’s Voice

Virgil’s best verse

To eat turtle or not to eat it

blog of studiolum

•  Chinatown

•  Un viaje a la mente barroca

•  Unde Covarrubias Hungaricè didicit?


open library

• Bibliography of Hispanic Emblematics

• Horapollo, Hieroglyphica 1547

• Alciato, Emblemata 1531

• The Album Amicorum of Franciscus Pápai Páriz

• Ludovicus Carbo, De Mathiae regis rebus gestis (c. 1473-75)

• Epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax

medio maravedí

Texts and Studies of Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature